A lot has happened since my last post, i've never been good at keeping up a blog!
On September 10th, Will came down with an infection. The doctors immediately started him on 4 different antibiotics while running some tests to see what he had. It ended up being some sort of E-coli. They believe it started as a UTI and then made its way into his blood stream. He was having a hard time breathing, so they moved him from nursery b (well side) back to nursery a (sick side) and had to intubate him, which is placing a tube into his lungs that breaths for him. It was really hard to watch him suffer and have to back track so much, but we were so grateful the doctors and nurses listened to our concerned as Matt and I noticed he was getting sick. Unfortunately we weren't able to hold him at all that day. My poor poor babe. Luckily, the infection only lasted a few days.
The next day was my birthday, it was a good day. Matthew spoiled me, as he usually does. and I was able to hold Will again. Poor little man had an IV in his head for his antibiotics. It is my least favorite place for IV's!
I spent the day making some nursery crafts for Will's room.
Since the infection, he's just been growing and getting stronger and stronger.
Today Will is 14 weeks old! He's 6 pounds 4.5 ounces and barely fitting into his preemie clothes anymore! His due date was on Friday, Oct 4th.
Little man is still working on eating. I breastfeed him 3 times a day, and he usually takes 2-3 bottles as well. Within the past few days, he's not done as well as he had been doing. He has pretty severe reflux so a GI specialist is going to examine him and see if there is anything more that they can do to lessen the spitting up he does. Also, they're going to check his ears to make sure he doesn't have an ear infection. Hopefully it's nothing and he's just going through a phase! We are so ready to take him home, but we also understand he needs to be 100% ready to come home. Every day we get closer to that day!
It's such a long journey, and I know it's not over yet. I've learned so so much about myself, my husband, and of course, I've learned how strong our little man is.
I'm currently at the hospital from 7:30a-9:30a with matt, then I go back at 1:30-4 and then Matt goes with me again at 7:30-9.
This past weekend was LDS General Conference. It was so great to watch and I felt the spirit so strongly. During the Saturday afternoon session, Elder Holland spoke and really really touched my heart. Here are a few quotes i jotted down:
"Our pursuit of godliness will be tested and tried again and again."
This quote made me think of my little man. Boy has he been tested!! and he's passed every test with flying colors. I can't imagine the love the our Heavenly Father has for this boy.
"Believe in miracles."
I've received the biggest miracle his year and will forever believe in them.
"Don't run faster than you have strength."
The past 14 weeks have been such an emotional roller coaster. I have to remind myself that I can't do everything.
"Through any illness or difficult challenge in life to be hopeful about and grateful for."
This quote brings tears to my eyes. I'm currently facing a difficult challenge. Throughout this entire experience, i've felt so blessed for SO many things. Family, medical knowledge and technology, Friends, and so many more things. I am so hopeful and grateful for my little boys life.
"We are infinitely more than our limitations or afflictions"
Can't wait to see what our little man will become. I know he is so much more than a tiny baby in the NICU. He is the strongest human being I know, and he is such an example to me already.
During the Sunday morning session, Henry B. Eyring spoke and really touched my heart. He told a story about how a women was asking God why she sent her son to her, and the response she felt was
"I gave him to you because I knew that you would love him no matter what."
The moment I heard that, I related it to my own life. I haven't asked God why he gave Will to me, or why this situation, but I know now why He gave him to me. God knew that I would be there and love Will no matter what. He knew that I would never give up on him and be by his side through his whole life.
I am so so thankful that God saw in me what I didn't. I am a new person, and I know how fragile life can be. Will is so so precious to me and he will always be my reminder that miracles DO happen.
Here are a couple other quotes from conference that touched my soul.
Thank you all for the love and support and positive thoughts during these past 14 weeks. We feel so blessed to have so many people loving our sweet babe.