We spent the last week at Bear Lake with tons of family for the Hall Family Reunion. We stayed in a BEAUTIFUL house, all 32(ish) of us! I didn't grab a picture of the house sadly, but take my word for it, it was BEAUTIFUL!! We had so much fun. Wednesday we spent the day at the lake & celebrated Will's first birthday, Thursday we toured Minnetonka Caves, and Friday we just relaxed and celebrated the 4th! Here are a bunch of pictures, not in any particular order.
Saturday, July 5, 2014
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
He's ONE!
Our sweet little boy is ONE! I cannot believe how quickly it went! One year ago a 1 pound 15 ounce little boy made a scary appearance into this world. Today we have a beautiful, 15 lb, little man who has no major complications! We have been so blessed with his sweet soul.
Here's what Will's been up to!
He's about 15 pounds
He is wearing 6 month clothes
He wears size 1 diapers
He can fake laugh
He's not into food yet, so still just bottles
He loves chewing his hand
He's rolling like crazy
He says 'mama' 'dada' 'nana' and 'baba'
He sits up
No teeth yet!
He loves books
He loves going to the pool & bath time (splashing!)
He loves going on walks and being outside
He still takes 3-4 naps a day and wakes up once during the night
He loves playing peek-a-boo
He loves holding his bottle
He has started to have a sense of 'stranger danger'
He loves when we sing "wheels on the bus"
Loves to shake toys that make noise
We are finally to just regular pediatrician appointments! The only other professional we see is a nephrologist (kidneys), but we won't see him for another 4 months for a check up! We have been so so blessed to have no serious complications with Will being SO early. He truly is a miracle boy.
A friend of mine (also a preemie parent) posted this poem on Instagram and I just love everything about it:
My message for Will:
Happy happy birthday to my sweet miracle. I never could comprehend a mothers love until you came into my life. You're soul is a special one for sure. You've already experienced life in such a harsh way, but somehow you've endured and become a beacon of hope, a ray of sunshine for all to see. You are truly a miracle. Your dad and I have never loved anything or anyone as much as we love you. You've changed our lives more than you will ever know. In this short year you've taught us so much about hope, love, fear, heartache, and especially faith. there were countless times that as your mother, I wanted to take away all your pains. I hated seeing you suffer, not knowing what the days ahead would bring. After enduring those long 4 months of not having you home with us, i now get to spend all of my time with you! You are such a happy baby and light up a room with your sweet smile. You amaze everyone with your health and strength. You amaze me, my sweet sweet boy. Thank you for coming into my life. Thank you for all you've taught me. I have a better understanding of God's love for his children, of his plan for us, and of the importance of eternal families. I am the luckiest to be able to spend eternity with you! Happiest 1 year birthday to you, Will! Can't wait to celebrate your miracle life in years to come.
Here are a bunch of pictures from our birthday photoshoot!
Thanks to Tara Winsor for all these wonderful photos!!!

Happy Birthday, Will!
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