My sweet babe is 22 months, 19 adjusted!
He's officially a WALKER! He now prefers walking over crawling! This makes my heart so happy.
Weight: 22ish pounds!
Diaper size: Size 3
Clothing size: Still mostly 12 month clothes! Even 12 months pants-woohoo!
Nicknames: mr Will, sweet babe,
Health: Will caught a nasty cold a couple weeks ago :( several cough attacks ended in throw up!
Sleep: Still sleeping through the night, (7pm-7am) with 2 naps (1 hr each) during the day
Diet: We are still seeing a feeding specialist and it's been going well. He will now put things like goldfish & crackers in his mouth on his own. He will still spit out whatever he bites off, but the fact that he puts it in his mouth is a HUGE deal! His recent favorite food is chocolate pudding.
Loves: WALKING WALKING WALKING! playing peekaboo, signing 'hello', walking outside, playing with cars.
Dislikes: Having his nose wiped
Milestones: Walking full-time! I officially feel like I have a toddler! He's also starting to imitate more words & sounds and understands a ton more too!
Speech: He'll pick up my phone and put it to his ear and say "Hi!", He also says "Ball" "SH" "wow" and "woah"
He's the happiest little boy and LOVES playing with friends & his cousin James. He gets along with other babes so well, and he is SO soft and gentle with my niece Raina! I am so happy with all the progress he has made.
Here's some cute pictures of our little man!

Keep growing my little one!