Wednesday, May 14, 2014

10 months

Our little man is 10 months old! It's really hard for me to comprehend, because he's only been home from the NICU for 6 of those months. So to me he should be 6 months, but he's so much older! Every day he has more and more personality. In one of Ben Rector's songs it says, "I never knew that I could love someone the way that I love you". I strongly feel this way about sweet baby Will. My love for him grows stronger and bigger every single minute of every day. Oh I just love my boy!! 

 Now I'll overload you with cute pictures of him! 

What a cutie, right?! So he's 10 months actual, 7 months adjusted (going off his due date). Every month we have a nurse that comes to our home and evaluates him and makes sure he's where a 7 month old should me. This past week she came, and he is severely delayed in the 'gross motor' area. Mainly, he isn't rolling yet. So this week we have an appointment to be evaluated by an Early Intervention program, Kids on the Move (which is the same company my sister worked at!) and they will see if he qualifies for their program. 

So far this week we've had a Nephrology appointment, and a Urology appointment. We still have the Kids on the Move appointment and a Cardiologist appointment. Little Will has a recently discovered heart murmur so we are going to get that checked out. 

This sweet little boy has seen more types of doctors than I could ever imagine! But I am thankful for every single one of them for checking on my sweet boy and making sure he's healthy. 

We have been so blessed with this sweet little boy. I can't imagine our lives without him. Cannot believe he will be 1 in July! 
Thank you all for the continual prayers and thoughts and comments you give us. We have seen the Lord's hand multiple times in our lives, especially with this little miracle boy. We love you all! Thanks for loving our little man!

1 comment :

  1. Rosie doesnt roll, either. She sits up, stands, even takes a few steps with assistance, but she fights rolling. Like hits and screams. Same with tummy time. We work with KOTM. They are great support. If they send Paul the OT out, tell him we say hi. Good luck. These little ones just work on their own time table.
